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rolf dobelli

What is Personification?

WHAT IS PERSONIFICATION AND WHY YOU PREFER NOVELS TO STATISTICS For eighteen years, the American media was prohibited from showing photographs of fallen soldiers’ coffins. In February 2009, defence secretary Robert Gates lifted this ban and images flooded on to the Internet. Officially, family members have to give their approval… Read More »What is Personification?

What is Envy?

What is Envy? And why you should build your own castle Three scenarios – which would irk you the most?  A) Your friends’ salaries increase. Yours stays the same.  B) Their salaries stay the same. Yours too.  C) Their average salaries are cut. Yours is, too. If you answered A,… Read More »What is Envy?

What is Salience Effect?

What is Salience Effect? And how eye-catching details render us blind The salience bias describes our tendency to focus on items or information that are more noteworthy while ignoring those that do not grab our attention. Here’s an example Imagine the issue of marijuana has been dominating the media for… Read More »What is Salience Effect?